I offer free and discounted sessions to Black women and Hawaiian women. I am also open to gifting a complimentary session or discussing discounted rates for any woman who has experienced major oppression from white supremacy.
If you are a woman who is Black or Hawaiian, I am happy to gift you a complimentary session. I want to support you, and also I recognize that I benefit from unfair power imbalances related to concepts such as race and US citizenship. I believe in reparations for African Americans who would like that. Also, since I live in Hawai'i, I am happy to give back to the Hawaiians. Giving a complimentary session is something small I can do to move in the direction of trying to help balance out massive imbalances. Please ask me about this if you are interested.
I also am happy to give African-American women a 15% Reparations Discount on the cost for sessions, and to give Hawaiian women a 15% discount on sessions to give back to the people of this land. Please let me know if you would like this.
I want to mention, I offer this because we are all in this together. I worked through my "white guilt" a long time ago and I don't think it's healthy for people to do things from that place. Also, of course I am also happy to receive full compensation if you would prefer that. I understand not all African-Americans believe in reparations, or many simply are not interested in them for themselves. My intention is to support people in the way that feels right for them.